Delaware Business Blog

Delaware’s Energy Answers for Business

It’s been a while since I have been pleasantly surprised. This press release led me to some of the best news I have never heard of:

    Governor Minner Spotlights Delaware’s Energy An$wers for Business; Kenny Family ShopRite Stores Join State’s Efforts to Conserve Energy

Ok, I guess this one slipped by me. Judging from the counter on their website (only 894 visitors), I’m not the only one who’d not familiar with Delaware’s Energy An$wers for Business program.

    The Delaware Energy An$wers for Business program offers three funding avenues tailored to meet the energy efficiency needs of the individual business, large or small. Delaware businesses located in Delaware may apply for any combination of these options up to $100,000 per facility or up to $200,000 for businesses with two or more facilities. “Projects that have simple payback periods shorter than 18 months will not be eligible for grant.” There are three possible options:

    • Just An$wers: Provides grants up to 50% of the cost of an energy audit, feasibility study and design assistance. These grants are capped at $10,000 per facility or up to $20,000 for businesses with 2 or more facilities.

      • Prescribed An$wers: Provides grants for specific and common upgrades including:

      Lighting, Refrigeration, HVAC and Motor retrofits

        • Customized An$wers: Provides grants for non-standard energy efficiency measures or prescribed measures bundled into a comprehensive full-facility upgrade that maximizes energy savings and cost effectiveness. These grants are determined by the calculated energy (kWh) and demand (kW) savings of the upgrade and may require a Professional Engineer to verify the predicted performance calculations.

          Visit the Delaware’s Energy An$wers for Business to review application instructions, review program guidelines or see a Business An$wers Only power point presentation.

            Don’t see what you need at the website?


            Sandra Burton, CEM

            Energy Efficiency Coordinator

            146 S. Governors Avenue

            Dover, DE 19904


            Phone: 302-739-1530

            Fax: 302-739-1527

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